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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
11:09, 10 May 2016Bezier04.PNG (file)40 KBKyl063Cubic bezier curves with bernstein constants substitution1
11:09, 10 May 2016Bezier03.PNG (file)17 KBKyl063Bernstein constant for cubic bezier curve1
11:08, 10 May 2016Bezier02.PNG (file)14 KBKyl0633 choose i for Cubic Bezier Curves1
11:08, 10 May 2016Bezier01.PNG (file)21 KBKyl063Cubic Bezier Curve Equation1
10:34, 10 May 2016Bezier00.PNG (file)20 KBKyl063Bezier general form equation.1
02:01, 10 May 2016Week 7 DiscussionS16.pdf (file)616 KBKyl063 3
02:01, 10 May 2016Selectionbuffercode01.PNG (file)33 KBKyl063 2
01:48, 10 May 2016Selectionbuffercode00.PNG (file)22 KBKyl063Sending ID from selectionDraw to selection shader.1
01:05, 10 May 2016Selectionbuffer01.jpg (file)16 KBKyl063Selection buffer render1
01:04, 10 May 2016Selectionbuffer00.PNG (file)172 KBKyl063Selection Buffer for objects with ID.1
17:36, 2 May 2016Week 6 Discussion SP16.pdf (file)106 KBKyl063Spring 16 week 6 discussion.1
15:17, 24 April 2016Bearpod.png (file)71 KBKyl063Bear sitting in a pod.1
05:13, 24 April (file)292 KBKyl063Wedding cake pod obj file.1
05:12, 24 April (file)2 KBKyl063Wedding Cake pod obj1
03:14, 19 April 2016Rdotv.png (file)291 KBKyl063 1
02:52, 19 April 2016Ndotl.png (file)98 KBKyl063Diagram explaining n dot l.1
23:48, 18 April 2016Vert to frag.png (file)50 KBKyl063Passing data from vertex shader to a fragment shader1
23:48, 18 April 2016Cpu to vert.png (file)63 KBKyl063Passing data from a CPU application to the vertex shader.1
19:09, 18 April 2016GPUDataPipeline.png (file)76 KBKyl063 2
23:52, 11 April 2016Fragment vs pixel.png (file)34 KBKyl063 1
23:47, 11 April 2016Fragment shader.PNG (file)21 KBKyl063 1
23:47, 11 April 2016Vertex shader.PNG (file)50 KBKyl063 1
23:46, 11 April 2016Week 3 Discussion CSE167S16.pdf (file)327 KBKyl063 2
23:28, 11 April 2016Vertex attribute interleaved.png (file)19 KBKyl063An example of interleaved vertex attributes.1
23:00, 11 April 2016Pipeline reduction.PNG (file)153 KBKyl063Visually impactful illustration of how much pipeline is reduced in modern opengl1
22:59, 11 April 2016Programmable pipeline.PNG (file)23 KBKyl063Illustration of programmable pipeline.1
22:59, 11 April 2016Fixed function.PNG (file)38 KBKyl063Illustration of fixed function pipeline.1
22:48, 11 April 2016Face objs.PNG (file)88 KBKyl063Motivation for having faces in OBJs.1
17:24, 8 April 2016Vs release build.png (file)14 KBKyl063 1
17:20, 8 April 2016Opengl lib linker.png (file)34 KBKyl063 2
17:20, 8 April 2016VS All Configuration.png (file)20 KBKyl063Changing Visual Studio Properties to edit both debug/release configuration1
20:02, 6 April 2016Viewport matrix.png (file)16 KBKyl063 2
16:11, 6 April 2016Col major.png (file)9 KBKyl063Memory layout in col major matrix1
16:11, 6 April 2016Row major.png (file)9 KBKyl063Memory layout in row major matrix1
14:33, 6 April 2016Row major matrix.png (file)8 KBKyl063Example of a matrix written in row major.1
04:35, 6 April 2016P vertex.png (file)3 KBKyl063 2
04:28, 6 April 2016P prime.png (file)4 KBKyl063 1
04:22, 6 April 2016Full transformation.png (file)3 KBKyl063 2
03:54, 6 April 2016Perspective transformation.png (file)3 KBKyl063 1
03:43, 6 April 2016Inverse camera transformation.png (file)3 KBKyl063 1
03:33, 6 April 2016Transrot1.png (file)2 KBKyl063 1
03:33, 6 April 2016Transrot0.png (file)4 KBKyl063 1
03:33, 6 April 2016Rottrans1.png (file)5 KBKyl063 1
03:33, 6 April 2016Rottrans0.png (file)4 KBKyl063 1
03:31, 6 April 2016Model transformation.png (file)2 KBKyl063 1
18:04, 4 April 2016Week 2 Discussion CSE167S2016.pdf (file)484 KBKyl063Week 2 discussion slides1
00:34, 29 March 2016Project properties.png (file)26 KBKyl063GLFWStarterProject Properties1
00:29, 29 March 2016Glm.png (file)37 KBKyl063Install glm.1
00:27, 29 March 2016Nupengl.png (file)37 KBKyl063Installing nupengl.core1
00:25, 29 March 2016Nugetpackagemanger.png (file)14 KBKyl063Image of opening NuGet Package Manager1

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