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Homework Assignment 5: Final Project

For this assignment you can obtain 100 points, plus up to 10 points for extra credit.

This homework assignment is due on March 17th at 11:30am. It is to be demonstrated in CSE room 1202 (the main conference room).

The project is designed to be a team project for two people, just like the other projects this quarter. Existing three person teams are allowed to stay together.

The goal of this project is to create a 3D application for any one or a combination of the five input devices used in this course (Kinect, Hydra, Leap, Move, zSpace). The application needs to have an implementation of at least one instance of each of the following universal 3D interaction tasks discussed in class:

  • selection
  • manipulation
  • wayfinding
  • travel
  • system control

Your application is not allowed to use input devices other than those mentioned above. Specifically, it is not allowed to use keyboard or mouse once it is running.

Your application needs to make use of a physics engine (such as Bullet or Unity's PhysX).

The following constraints on button use apply, to keep your user input methodologies as generally applicable to future devices as possible:

  • Razer Hydra: you are only allowed to use one button on either controller (totaling two buttons). You are not allowed to use the thumb sticks on the controllers.
  • Sony Move: you are only allowed to use two buttons on the controller. Using the analog trigger button is permitted.
  • zSpace: you are only allowed to use one button on the stylus.

While you are allowed to use Unity, you are not allowed to use assets from the asset store, unless you get explicit permission by the course staff.

Use the TA's, tutors' and instructor's office hours to brainstorm ideas with us, and to ascertain that your project will satisfy the requirements.


Your final project score consists of three parts:

  • Blog (10 points)
  • Presentation (90 points)
  • Extra Credit (10 points)

Documentation (10 Points)

You need to create a blog to report on the progress you're making on your project. You need to make at least three blog entries to get the full score. The first is due on Thursday, March 3rd at 11:59pm, the second is due on Thursday, March 10th at 11:59pm, the third is due on Wednesday, March 16th at 11:59pm. During the final week you need to upload a short video of your application to your blog. It is due on Thursday, March 17th at 11:30am.

The first blog entry needs to contain (at least) the following pieces of information:

  • The name of your project.
  • The names of your team members.
  • A short description of the project.
  • The technical features you are implementing.
  • What you are planning on spending your creative efforts on.

In weeks 2 and 3 you need to write about the progress you made, and mention any changes you have made to team, project title, or implementation plans. You also need to upload at least one screen shot of your application.

The video is due on presentation day and should be about 1 minute long. You don't need to use editing software, but you should use software to capture your screen to a video file. Screen recording software, such as the Open Broadcaster Software, is available free of charge for Windows and Mac, on the Mac you can use QuickTime. Audio is optional. Embed or link to the video in your blog.

You are free to create the blog on any web based blog site, such as Blogger or WordPress. You should use the same blog each time and just add new blog entries. You are free to add more entries than the required ones.

The points are distributed like this:

  • Blog entry #1: 2 points
  • Blog entry #2: 3 points
  • Blog entry #3: 3 points
  • Video: 2 points

Once you have created your blog, please email the URL to TA Alex. His email address is mentioned on Piazza.

The Application (90 Points)

The final project has to be presented during our final exam slot on Thursday, March 17th from 11:30am-2:20pm in CSE 1202. The points for your project are based on the demonstration, and will be distributed as follows:

  • Technical quality: 50 points (10 points for each of the five universal interaction tasks)
  • UI Usability: 20 points
  • Creativity: 20 points

The scores will be determined by the course staff (instructor, TA, tutors).

Each team, regardless of size, has 5 minutes to present their project.

Extra Credit (10 Points)

We want to reward projects that go beyond what we ask for. Please contact the course staff to get cleared for extra credit work. We are going to post extra credit options here as the project develops.