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How to use svn via ssh

Subversion 1.4.3 is installed on in /usr/bin.

SVN provides multiple configuration options to different users requirements. Here is an example of how I use it currently and suggest some readings if you have different requirements.

I am currently using "svn+ssh" to manage the repository.

Login to

Step1: Create dir and repository

         $>cd ~/temp
         $>mkdir project1
         $>cd project1
         $>svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs ~/temp/project1

Step2: Import Source Code

         $> svn import -m "initial import" </path/to/source/tree> file:///home/sliu/temp/project1

Step3: Check out a work directory from a remote machine

         An svn client must be installed in the remote machine. (Please use the latest version.)
         [feng@mystere ]$ svn co svn+ssh://
          A    project1/app-rc.h
          A    project1/app-rd.h
          A    project1/rbudp1.tcl
        Checked out revision 1.
      [feng@mystere ]$ ls

I am using svn to maintain multiple copies of my code at multiple hosts, so the svn+ssh style is sufficient for me. If you have other requirements, svn provides additional options which you can refer to

Access svn server under Windows

Download and use TortoiseSVN.