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Project 3: Mouse Control

This homework assignment consists of four parts, but only the first three are mandatory to get full credit (100 points). In the first part you will need to implement a trackball-like interaction method for your OBJ data sets from project 2. In the second part you will need to add translations and scale operations. In the third, optional part, you need to render translucent geometry.

This assignment is due on Friday, October 19. It will be introduced by TA Sid on Monday, October 15th at 2:30pm in lab 260.

1. Virtual Trackball (60 Points)

Implement a virtual trackball which allows a user to rotate an object interactively with the mouse. Your solution should translate holding the left mouse button while dragging the mouse into a rotation matrix, which you then use to rotate object space about the origin of the world coordinate system. Rotations around all three coordinate axes should be supported, depending on where in the rendering window the user clicks.

A sample executable demonstrating the trackball functionality is available for Windows and Linux. If the executable does not work on your computer, here is a video of it. To access mouse coordinates, you will need to use GLUT's callback functions glutMouseFunc() and glutMotionFunc(). Note that successive trackball rotations must build on previous ones; at no point should the model snap back to a previous or default position.

The figure below illustrates how to translate mouse movement into a rotation axis and angle. m0 and m1 are consecutive 2D mouse positions. These positions define two locations v and w on a 3D virtual sphere that fills the rendering window. Use their cross product as the rotation axis a = v x w, and the angle between v and w as the rotation angle.


Horizontal mouse movement exactly in the middle of the window should result in a rotation around the y-axis. Vertical mouse movement exactly in the middle of the window should result in a rotation around the x-axis. Mouse movements in other areas and directions should result in rotations about an axis a which is not parallel to any single coordinate axis, and is determined by the direction the mouse is moved in.

Support three coordinate systems: object coordinates, world coordinates, and camera coordinates. Design the rotation so that it only affect model matrix M.

Once you have calculated the trackball rotation matrix for a mouse drag, you will need to multiply it with the current object matrix. The new object matrix needs to be multiplied with the camera matrix and then transferred to OpenGL with the glLoadMatrix function.

Support the 3D models from all five OBJ files from project 2 as your test objects. You will get points for the following accomplishments:

  • The 3D model rotates (at all) when the mouse is clicked and dragged (20 points).
  • The house responds to mouse movement correctly like a virtual trackball (e.g., mouse to the right -> house rotates to the right) (20 points).
  • Clicking and dragging anywhere in the window, including close to the edge or corners of the window, does not crash the application (5 points).
  • Consecutive clicks and drags continue rotating the model where it was left. Mouse clicks should never cause the model to 'jump' to an earlier orientation. (5 points)
  • Add a reset function, triggered by the 'r' key. This reset should bring the 3D model back into its original orientation. (5 points)

2. Translation and Size (40 Points)

Sometimes you might want to look more closely at a 3D model, which requires more than just trackball rotation.

Holding down the middle mouse button (or the 'z' key) during mouse drags should cause a translation of the 3D model within the world coordinate system's x/y plane. Repeated translations should add up. (20 points)

Holding down the right mouse button (or the 'x' key) during mouse drags should allow uniform scaling (resizing) of the data set, about your window center (=center of world coordinate system). Moving the mouse up should increase the size, moving it down should decrease it. Repeated scaling operations should add up. (20 points)

3. Optional Project: Translucent Geometry (10 Points)

Render the cube from the support code of project 1 with translucent faces, and another, opaque cube on its inside, to practice rendering translucent geometry.

To make the cube translucent, replace the glColor3f call in the displayCallback() function with a glColor4f, and pass the alpha value (amount of translucency) in the fourth value. Use an alpha value of 0.5, unless your results look better with a different alpha value. You will also have to turn blending on with this code in your main function:


Copy the relevant sections from the support code for project 1 to your current C++ project, and connect the Trackball and the pan/zoom functions from this homework projects to this new project.

Add an opaque, solid-colored cube of diameter 4 on the inside of the translucent cube. Choose a suitable color for it. This cube can either rotate with the translucent cube, or it can remain still in world space.

To render the translucent cube faces correctly with the interior cube, you will have to sort all translucent geometry (but not the opaque geometry) manually (any sort algorithm will do, for instance bubble sort).

You will get points for the following accomplishments:

  • Your outer cube's faces are translucent. (2 points)
  • There is an opaque interior cube. (2 points)
  • The cubes can be manipulated with the functions in part 1 and 2. (2 points)
  • The translucent geometry works well, with the interior cube visible at all times. This requires correct geometry sorting. (4 points)

Good luck!