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In the environment:
In the environment:
* Place at least five "Covid testing" signs with an arrow pointing in the general direction of the Price Center Ballroom along the way from the CSE building to the Ballroom.
* Along the way from the CSE building, place at least five "Covid Testing" signs with an arrow to help pedestrians find the Price Center Ballroom. For inspiration for what these signs can look like, google "direction signs". The signs can all be of the same style or different styles. The signs need to be installed in a physically feasible way (e.g., they cannot float in the air, but need to be attached to buildings or a sign post).
* landmark (bear model)
* Please at least one landmark along the way. The simplest would be to place [[Media:this Bear model]] in the courtyard beetween the CSE building and Atkinson Hall.
3d mini map with forward up in top right corner of the screen
3d mini map with forward up in top right corner of the screen

Revision as of 00:04, 25 January 2021

Homework Assignment 2



Learning objectives:

  • Analog joystick simulation
  • Wayfinding


Submission Instructions

Once you are done implementing the project, record a video demonstrating all the functionality you have implemented.

The video should be no longer than 5 minutes, and can be substantially shorter. The video format should ideally be MP4, but any other format the graders can view will also work.

While recording the video, record your voice explaining what aspects of the project requirements are covered.

To create the video you don't need to use video editing software.

If you can't make any screen recorder work, just hold your phone in front of the screen and record with a steady hand.

Components of your submission:

  • Video: Upload the video at the Assignment link on Canvas. Also add a text comment stating which functionality you have or have not implemented and what extra credit you have implemented. If you couldn't implement something in its entirety, please state which parts you did implement and expect to get points for.
    • Example 1: I've done the base project with no issues. No extra credit.
    • Example 2: Everything works except an issue with x: I couldn't get y to work properly.
    • Example 3: Sections 1, 2 and 4 are fully implemented.
    • Example 4: The base project is complete and I did z for extra credit.
  • Executable: Build your Unity project into a Windows .EXE file or the Mac equivalent and upload it to Canvas as zip file.
  • Source code: Upload your Unity project to GitHub: either use the Unity repository initialized from GitHub Classroom or any GitHub repository that you might set up on your own. Make sure you use the .gitignore file for Unity that is included in the repo so that only project sources are uploaded (the .gitignore file goes in the root folder of your project). Then submit the GitHub link to Gradescope by using 'Submission Method: GitHub', along with your Repository link and the respective GitHub branch. (Note: GitHub Classroom is only for starter code distribution, not for grading. Since we don't have any starter code for HW1, you can set up your own repo with Unity .gitignore file we provided and submit to gradescope too.)

In Summary, submit to Canvas with 1. Video and 2. Zipped Executable files (.exe, .dll, etc.), and submit to Gradescope with 3. Source Code.