Independent study projects

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Independent Study Projects (CSE 198/199)

  • Prerequisite is that you have taken one of my graphics courses (CSE 167, 165 or 190), or substantial experience with OpenGL, Unity 3D or the Unreal Engine.
  • To apply contact me directly by email or come to my office hour.
  • I can only support a limited number of projects each quarter.
  • I offer CSE 198/199 projects for 2 or 4 units. 2 units requires a commitment of 5 hours/week, at 4 units it's 10 hours/week.
  • Once we agreed on a project you need to write up the project description, along with weekly milestones (on a separate sheet), and you need to bring me the filled out signup form during my office hours or when you catch me in my office. The top part of the form is your personal data. You can leave the section ID blank, the advising office will fill that out for you. To fill out the second section on the form use the following information:
    • Name of Instructor: Jurgen Schulze
    • Teaching Title: Adjunct Professor
    • Prerequisite course work: depends on your background and the project - CSE 167 or CSE 165 always qualify
    • Nature and frequency of contact: weekly meeting
    • Means of evaluation: presentation on Friday before finals week, written report due by end of finals week (Sunday 9am)
    • Proposed plan: put "see attached sheet"
    • Student signature: sign and date
  • During the quarter:
    • I would like you to come to my weekly team meetings on Fridays at 10am in room 2004 of Atkinson Hall (unless you have another commitment at that time). This is the primary way for us to connect each week. Besides these meetings, we will schedule separate meetings as needed, especially at the beginning of the quarter.
  • At the end of the quarter:
    • On the last Friday before finals week my team meeting turns into a video viewing meeting: everyone who needs a grade from me needs to show a video on their projects. The video should be about 1 minute per person on the team. The video should be on Youtube, and start with a title slide with your project title and your (group's) name(s).
    • By the end of that Friday I need from each group a slide deck about their project. It should cover: motivation, approach, challenges, results, discussion (ie, your opinion on the project). I need the slides as either a Powerpoint file or a link to Google Slides.