Razer Hydra

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Razer Hydra Driver Installation and Project Setup Tutorial

Assuming that you have already followed the previous tutorial, which can be found here.

We will now add Razer Hydra functionality to a new VS 2010 project.

Step 1

In order to preserve the file paths made in your previous project, we will make use of VS 2010 property sheets.

Property Sheets can create a single properties file that can be inherited by multiple projects.

  • Use "View > Other Windows > Property Manager" to bring up the Property Manager. It will show your projects and configurations.
  • Right click a configuration, and select "Add New Project Property Sheet...". You can name it, and select a location that works for all your projects.
  • Once created, you can edit its properties just as you would a build configuration.
  • To use that property sheet as the basis for other projects, just right click the configuration or project, and select "Add Existing Property Sheet...". Browse to where you saved the original sheet, and it will be inherited.

A sample property sheet is provided here - Will be added later.

Step 2

  • Note: One could just copy the entire file path in the project setup. This method is provided for convenience and ease of use.

Make sure that you have downloaded appropriate Driver for the Razer Hydra from here.

Now, we will make a new Windows environment variable for future use.

1) Open the Start Menu (Windows Key)

2) Type in "environment variable" into the search box. Click on the icon that reads, "Edit the System Environment Variables".

3) Click on Environment Variables

4) Under System Variables, Click on New...

5) Type in "RAZERHYDRA_SDK_PATH" under variable name

6) Type in the file path wherever you have the downloaded Razer Hydra SDK for the Variable Value, (example: "C:\Program Files\SixenseSDK_062612" )

7) Click "Ok" on every window to close and save the settings.

Step 3

Required DLLs (Visual Studio 2010 Linker Tutorial Coming Soon!)

Before you may run your freshly compiled game you will need to include the appropriate Sixense DLLs with your game's executable.

These files are located in the SixenseSDK_062612/bin/win32 directory.

Specifically you should copy the sixense.dll (the release library) and sixensed.dll (the debug library) into the same directory as your game's executable

The debug version of the Sixense DLL also requires DeviceDLL.dll that is located in the SixenseSDK_062612\samples\win32\sixense_simple3d directory.

You should also copy this file to your game's executable directory.

When it comes time to release your game you only need to include the sixense.dll library.