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Starter Code for Programming Projects

The purpose of this web page is to introduce OpenGL programming and set up your computer so that you can begin developing OpenGL applications.

In order to display an image, you must create a drawing canvas, which is essentially a window. With OpenGL, you create a window and then create an OpenGL drawing context associated with that window, which allows you to use your video hardware to draw 3D objects directly into that window. Opening that window and creating the OpenGL context is cumbersome and varies from system to system. The purpose of GLFW is to simplify and unify this initial step.

The PCs in the computer lab already have GLFW and Visual Studio installed.

For your personal computer we will show you how to download and install GLFW and configure Visual Studio/XCode to use it.

Starter Code on Lab Computer

Starter Code on Personal Computer



Install GLFW

Install GLM

Install GLEW