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  • Projects 1-6: 10% each
  • Final project: 20%
  • Midterm exams: 10% each

There will be no assignment or indication of letter grades corresponding to scores on the individual exams and homework projects. The final grade depends on a weighted average of all the scores. The following grading key will be used:

Final Score Letter Grade
100+ A+
95+ A
90+ A-
85+ B+
80+ B
75+ B-
70+ C+
65+ C
60+ C-
55+ D+
50+ D

For undergraduate students with the P/NP option: A pass (P) grade will be given for an average score of 60 or higher.

For graduate students with the S/U option: A satifactory (S) grade will be given for an average score of 75 or higher.

Late Submission Policy for Projects

If you miss the presentation of your project on a due date you have a second opportunity to present within 7 days from the due date during lab hours (example: if the due date is on a Friday, you can submit until (including) the following Friday). However, there will be a late penalty: you will get only 75% of the score you would have received for a timely submission.

Tips for exam preparation

  • Review the course slides, available as PDF files on the class schedule
  • Solve previous CSE167 exams (find some links on the class schedule)
  • Read book chapters in Shirley to deepen knowledge of material.

Exam Rules

The following rules apply to both midterm exams.

You will need to write the answers on the provided exam sheets. Every student needs to bring their own pen/pencil and ruler and, as needed, eraser, ink corrector, pencil sharpener etc. Cell phones must be turned off. No calculators, laptops, or other electronic devices, and no books, lecture notes, cheat sheets, etc are allowed. You can write on the exam sheets and use your own sheets of paper if you need more space. The instructor will have a limited amount of additional sheets and scratch paper. You will need to hand in the exam sheets and any extra sheets you used for your responses and want to get graded for.

It is important for you to understand the concepts covered in class, as well as the math. Since no electronic calculators are permitted, you will only need to know sin/cos/tan for angles which are multiples of 90 degrees. You will need to know how to multiply matrices of any dimensionality with one another, but all calculations will be simple enough to do without a calculator. The same is true for matrix-vector multiplications, scalar products, dot products, vector magnitude, and the rest of the linear algebra used in the lectures. If at any point you end up with a formula you cannot compute without electronic help, you will still get points for the partial solution even if you did not completely simplify it.

There are no makeup exams under any circumstances whatsoever. The only acceptable reason to miss an exam is that the student has a personal health problem at the time and can provide the instructor with documentation to prove it.