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Revision as of 16:23, 14 April 2011 by Jmangan (Talk | contribs)

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Project Overview

This display mode allows two users to simultaneously use the StarCAVE or Nexcave with dual head tracking. Each screen is partitioned into multiple zones, each of which is visualized by an independent camera. Each camera is set via an interpolation between the two users that is weighted based on how directly each user is facing the respective zone. When both users face the same zone (screen), it is displayed from a point of view that balances the view-error between them, resulting in an equal amount of minimal immersion loss. When both users face opposite sides of the cave, they will each see the zones before them in optimal stereo quality. When one user be looking directly at the zone and the second user seeing it only peripherally, the camera is positioned to display the zone nearly perfectly for the user facing directly at the zone.


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Software Developers: John Mangan Phi Nguyen

Project Advisors: Jurgen Schulze Andrew Prudhomme