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Project 4: Light and Shade

This project is on OpenGL lighting and shading, and includes GLSL shader programs.

This project is due on Friday, November 1st at 1:30pm. It will be discussed in Center Hall 105 on Monday, October 28th at 3:00pm.

Note that GLSL shaders, which are needed for part 2 of the assignment, will be covered in class on Tuesday, October 22nd.

1. OpenGL Lighting and Shading (50 points)

Start by reviving your application from assignment 2: you will need to be able to load each of the five 3D models into your application and display them at reasonable sizes, so that they are about screen filling. The function keys should switch between the models.

You are welcome but not required to support the keyboard commands from assignment 2 to move around the models. However, you will need to add mouse control, which will allow rotating the model about the center of your OpenGL window, as well as scaling the model up and down. The left mouse button should be used for rotation, the right mouse button should scale. This video shows how the trackball-like rotation should work. We provide sample code for the trackball rotation. You will need to adapt it to your matrix and vector classes and get it to work within your application.