Media Commons
Media Commons
Convert Image to Pyramidal TIFF
Log in to Then do the conversion with the following commands:
gdal_translate -co "TILED=YES" original.tif output.tif gdaladdo -r average output.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64
The first command will tile the image which helps with performance. The second will add overviews: 2 4 8 16 32 64 (each number is a split level (so this will create 6 levels - you can create more but making a tile smaller than 256 by 256 is pointless because that is the smallest tile size Media Commons will use). The final image in the example will be output.tif.
To make the image show up in the menu, copy it to /home/demo/demo_content.
Convert high resolution video for CGLX player
Converting high resolution video into CGLX renderable OSG tile clusters with XML metadata for playback under MediaCommons:
Script requires FFMPEG and Python 2.7
Example: user$> sh /foo/foo.mp4 /bar test 3840 2160 8 8
Depending on the source resolution and level of subdivision FFMPEG crop streaming can be fast or take some time. Transcoding your source content to H264 before running the clustertile script can speed things up significantly.
#!/bin/bash # Rev021115 # Nathan Wade # # This script creates cluster optimized OpenSceneGraph quad tiles with metadata # from a single HD video source for synchronous playback on MediaCommons CGLX video walls. # # # # # required: FFMPEG, Python 2.7 # usage: sh scriptname INPUT_DIR_FILE OUTPUT_DIR OUTPUT_PREFIX WIDTH HEIGHT COL ROW echo "INPUT_DIR_FILE: $1" #ffmpeg -i $1 echo "OUTPUT_DIR: $2" echo "OUTPUT_PREFIX: $3" echo "WIDTH: $4" echo "HEIGHT: $5" echo "COL: $6" echo "ROW: $7" mkdir $2/$3/ touch $2/$3.xml PYTHON_ARG="$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7" python - <<END import os import subprocess as sp FMPEG_BIN = "ffmpeg" # unix, os x FFMPEG_BIN = "ffmpeg.exe" # ms windows XML = open('$2/$3.xml','w') XML.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<RenderableDataObject type=\"tiled_video\">\n") cW = $4/$6 cH = $5/$7 cRow = 0 cCol = 0 for col in range(0,$6): for row in range(0,$7): XML.write(' <tile path=\"$2/$3/%i-%i.mp4\" column=\"%i\" row=\"%i\" />\n'%(cCol, cRow, cCol, $7-cRow-1)) #ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" [-an | -c:a copy] out.mp4 -y command = [ FMPEG_BIN, '-i', '$1', '-filter:v', 'crop=%i:%i:%i:%i'%(cW,cH, cW*cCol, cH*cRow), '-an','$2/$3/%i-%i.mp4'%(cCol, cRow), '-y'] pipe = sp.Popen(command, stdout = sp.PIPE, bufsize=10**8) cRow+=1 cRow = 0 cCol+=1 XML.write("</RenderableDataObject>\n") XML.close END exit