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(Extra Credit (10 Points))
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To interact with the main menu you are only allowed to use one button on the Move. In the rest of the game you are allowed to use all buttons of the Move if you wish.
To interact with the main menu you are only allowed to use one button on the Move. In the rest of the game you are allowed to use all buttons of the Move if you wish.
In play mode the player first needs to choose one of several saved levels, then the player gets to fly through the level. At the end the time it took to complete the level needs to be displayed.
In play mode the player first needs to choose one of several saved levels, then the player gets to fly through the level. At the end the time it took to complete the level needs to be displayed. There will be extra credit for those teams who place in the top 3, see below.
Collisions between spacecraft and gates need to be recognized by the system and the player needs to be notified. This is where the physics engine comes in. But collisions should only be recognized as such, they should not alter the path of the spacecraft (treat the gates as holograms not physical objects). Once a collision happens the player needs to turn around and fly through the gate again until it was successfully cleared.  
Collisions between spacecraft and gates need to be recognized by the system and the player needs to be notified. This is where the physics engine comes in. But collisions should only be recognized as such, they should not alter the path of the spacecraft (treat the gates as holograms not physical objects). Once a collision happens the player needs to turn around and fly through the gate again until it was successfully cleared.  

Revision as of 11:19, 6 February 2015


Homework Assignment 3: Space Slalom

For this assignment you can obtain 100 points, plus up to 10 points of extra credit.

The goal of this assignment is to create a 3D game for the Sony Move.

Update: due to unforeseen difficulties with the Move drivers, you are allowed to use the device from last project again in this project. If you had a Leap and want to try the Kinect, or vice versa, you will need to find a team that is willing to switch. There will be the opportunity to connect during the upcoming lectures. You can even choose to use the device from the last project and the Move, which can be useful if you got the Move to work at least partially (for instance buttons, orientation or vibration feedback).

This assignment is due on Friday, February 13th at 1:00pm.

The assignment should be done in teams of two if at all possible.

There will be a homework discussion session in CSE lab 220 on Wednesday, February 4th from 4-5pm.

The Sony Move bundle (controller, camera and USB cable) were handed out on Friday 1/30 during grading, one bundle for each team. You are welcome to use your own Move if you have one.


Before you can use the Move you will need to install a driver for it. Because the Move was made for the Play Station, there is no official support from Sony for it when used with PCs. However, there is an excellent open source driver available for Windows, Mac and Linux. There is also a driver for Unity. Download the driver and try getting it to work on your platform. Since these are community developed drivers, please make use of the course Piazza to share your experiences installing and using the driver, especially if you have or solved problems others in class likely have as well.

The Project (100 Points)

The goal of this project is to create an interactive game in which the player flies a spacecraft through a number of rectangular gates in zero-gravity space, a little bit like slalom skiing. Instead of flying around the gates like in slalom skiing, the player needs to fly through the gates, which are only slightly bigger than the spacecraft itself.

Each team needs to create their own level builder in which the player flies the spaceship around places the ten gates.

The gates for a level need to be saved to an ASCII file so that their positions and orientations can be retrieved later. The file format should be as follows:

CX0 CY0 CZ0 RX0 RY0 RZ0 UX0 UY0 UZ0 
CX1 CY1 CZ1 RX1 RY1 RZ1 UX1 UY1 UZ1 
CX9 CY9 CZ9 RX9 RY9 RZ9 UX9 UY9 UZ9 

Each line contains a whitespace separated list of coordinates for one gate, so the file should have 10 lines of numbers. In each line, the first three number should be the center point coordinates of the gate: CX, CY and CZ. These are followed by the normalized vector that points to the right edge of the gate: RX, RY, RZ. The last three numbers are for the normalized vector that points to the upper edge of the gate: UX, UY and UZ.

We will use a unit of meters for this game. Gates should be 10 meters wide and 5 meters tall. This is the size of the opening, so the geometry for the edges should be located completely outside of this size.

The file extension should be .txt so that it is easy to open the file in a text editor.

The player's spacecraft should be 5 meters wide, 2.5 meters tall and 10 meters long. You can visualize it as a rectangular box of this size, or use a different geometry of your choosing, but you need to use the box for the intersection test with the gates.

The playing "field" can be assumed to be no larger than 10 kilometers cubed (i.e., 10k x 10k x 10k units). Initially the spacecraft should be located in the origin of the playing field's coordinate system.

The spacecraft's velocity should probably be no faster than about 200 kilometers/hour in order to be able to properly maneuver through the gates.

The camera should show the spacecraft from a third person's perspective so that the player can see it on the screen to make sure it will clear the gates. You are welcome to additionally use other camera perspectives to switch between (such as a pilot's perspective, a control tower view, gate view, etc.).

The goal of the game is to fly the spacecraft through ten gates in as little time as possible. On demo day, we will provide a game file to each group so that we can find out who is fastest. (This ranking will not have an impact on the grade.) This file is going to be called "competition.txt" - make sure your application will be ready for it (we recommend creating a dummy competition file which you'll replace once the official one is available). A proper competition-quality level will have the gates make good use of the three-dimensional space (e.g., not all located in one row or plane), and the gates will not be oriented the same way (their up and right pointing vectors will all be different).

Once your application has started up, it should only accept input from the 3D input device(s) - no keyboard or mouse commands are allowed (except for debugging). There should be a main menu with options to build a level or play a level.

To interact with the main menu you are only allowed to use one button on the Move. In the rest of the game you are allowed to use all buttons of the Move if you wish.

In play mode the player first needs to choose one of several saved levels, then the player gets to fly through the level. At the end the time it took to complete the level needs to be displayed. There will be extra credit for those teams who place in the top 3, see below.

Collisions between spacecraft and gates need to be recognized by the system and the player needs to be notified. This is where the physics engine comes in. But collisions should only be recognized as such, they should not alter the path of the spacecraft (treat the gates as holograms not physical objects). Once a collision happens the player needs to turn around and fly through the gate again until it was successfully cleared.

There needs to be a visual indication for which gate is next. This could happen by coloring that gate differently than the others, an arrow pointing to it, or even multiple things.


You will get points for the following things:

  • Main menu with options for (at least) play (with selection of level file) and build mode
  • Level builder
    • Player flies around placing gates
    • Level saving to file
  • The game
    • Rendering the gates
    • Detection of collisions between gate and spaceship and notification of user (visual, vibration, sound, etc.)
    • 3D user interface: how you control the spaceship
    • Camera following spaceship
    • Visual wayfinding aid(s)

Extra Credit (10 Points)