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==Extra Credit (10 Points)==
==Extra Credit (10 Points)==
TBD [check back Saturday morning]

Revision as of 23:29, 3 February 2015


Homework Assignment 3: Space Slalom

For this assignment you can obtain 100 points, plus up to 10 points of extra credit.

The goal of this assignment is to create a 3D game for the Sony Move.

This assignment is due on Friday, February 13th at 1:00pm.

The assignment should be done in teams of two if at all possible.

There will be a homework discussion session in CSE lab 220 on Wednesday, February 4th from 4-5pm.

The devices (Sony Move bundle with controller, camera and USB cable) were handed out on Friday 1/30 during grading, one bundle for each team. You are welcome to use your own Move if you have one.


Before you can use the Move you will need to install a driver for it. Because the Move was made for the Play Station, there is no official support from Sony for it when used with PCs. However, there is an excellent open source driver available for Windows, Mac and Linux. There is also a driver for Unity. Download the driver and try getting it to work on your platform. Since these are community developed drivers, please make use of the course Piazza to share your experiences installing and using the driver, especially if you have or solved problems others in class likely have as well.

The Project (100 Points)

The goal of this project is to create an interactive game in which the player flies a spacecraft through a number of gates in zero-gravity space, a little bit like slalom skiing. Instead of flying around the gates like in slalom skiing, the player needs to fly through the gates, which are only slightly bigger than the spacecraft itself, so that it is easy to hit the gates and get stuck or bounce off of them.

The gates should be hollow rectangles with a 2:1 aspect ratio. You can model each edge out of long boxes with a square cross section, or long cylinders with low tessellation.

The player's spacecraft should be a rectangular box of half the width and half the height of a gate, and it should be twice as long as it is wide.

The camera should show the spacecraft from a third person's perspective, behind and somewhat above the spacecraft so that the player can clearly see it on the screen.

The goal is to fly the spacecraft through a number of gates as fast as possible.

Once your application has started up, it should only accept input from the Sony Move - no keyboard or mouse commands are allowed (except for debugging).

You will get points for the following things:

TBD [check back Saturday morning]

Extra Credit (10 Points)