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    <allpages gapcontinue="Reading3S22" />
      <page pageid="3281" ns="0" title="Reading1S22">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">=Reading 1: Autostereograms (April 19)=

This week's reading is going to be the [ Wikipedia article on autostereograms].

You don't need to read the entire article, but there's one thing I'd like you to do before the lecture on April 19: try to see the second to the last image on that web page, the chess board, in 3D. Click on it to make it larger. Play around with different distances at which you view it to see what works best for you.

If you have more time, see how many of the other stereograms on the Wikipedia page you can see in 3D.</rev>
      <page pageid="3286" ns="0" title="Reading2S22">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">=Volumetric Displays=

This week's reading is on volumetric displays. They can provide an alternative to head-tracked 3D displays because they support multiple viewers at the same time, and no headgear is needed. But they also have disadvantages. 

Read this [ Wikipedia article] and try to find answers to the following question:

&lt;i&gt;What are advantages and disadvantages of volumetric displays compared to typical VR headsets such as the Oculus Quest?&lt;/i&gt;

You don't need to write the answers down, but we'll discuss them in next week's lecture.</rev>